We are experienced work-lovers focused on quality lorem ipsum curento ciami palco elpuero rentus

Our Capabilities Today

Has a daily traffic permit in Tehran city

The holder of the standard badge and operating license of the Ministry of Industries and Mines and a member of the list of Tehran Municipality.

The existence of ultra-modern and advanced quality control and assurance laboratory approved by Tehran Municipality.

Capable of presenting the quality assurance certificate to the Tehran Municipality and receiving the completion of the work.


There are 2 pumps with a daily traffic license in Tehran city The presence of 2 loaders in the material depots of factories (XCMG-ZL50 / COMATCO-WA400)) Storage capacity of 1500 tons of cement Storage capacity of 7000 tons of sand in the material depot


We are experienced work-lovers focused on quality lorem ipsum.



Fusce ut velit laoreet, tempus arcu eu, molestie tortor. Nam vel justo cursus, faucibus lorem eget, egestas eros.

Maecenas eleifend erat at justo fringilla imperdiet id ac magna. Suspendisse vel facilisis odio, at ornare nibh. In malesuada, tortor eget sodales mollis, mauris lectus hendrerit purus, porttitor finibus eros lorem eget mauris.

Asia Bunker

Asia Bunker Company is the largest specialized and private cement transporter in the country, which acts as a powerful arm in the Asia Group.

Asia Chem

Group Asia Shimi Tavakoli Production is based on the urgent need of Asia Concrete Group and Zarnam Shen Mine for the production of special industrial concretes.

Zarnam Mine

Zarnam Sand Production Mines, an Aboash production line of twice salted biological sand, size 5-27, is one of the top producers of sand in Tehran province.

Asia Concrete Factory

Asia Concrete Complex is now one of the largest and most special concrete production stations in the country with the following capabilities.